There are a number of laws, compliance codes and guidance documents that can help you understand your obligations relating to asbestos.
The OccupationalHealth and Safety Act 2004 (opens in a new window)(OHS Act) and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017(opens in a new window) (OHS Regulations) outline all responsibilities and duties relating to workplacehealth and safety in Victoria. Part 4.4 of the OHS Regulations deals specifically with asbestos.
WorkSafe issues compliance codes to provide practical guidance to those who have duties or obligations under the OHS Act and OHS Regulations. For asbestos the:
- Compliance code: Managing asbestos in workplaces(opens in a new window) provides information on how you can safely manage asbestos in your workplace, and the
- Compliance code: Removing asbestos in workplaces(opens in a new window) provides information on how you can arrange for the safe removal of asbestos from your workplace.
WorkSafe has also issued a number of asbestos related publications and guidance materials(opens in a new window).